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fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28451
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Teen Titans Academy Empty Teen Titans Academy

Tue 8 Dec 2020 - 18:54
Teen Titans Academy D172144f4168146856efebe38d971be8b4e1f215

Teen Titans Academy #1 by Tim Sheridan and Rafa Sandoval goes on sale March 17, 2021 from DC.The cover to Teen Titans Academy #1 by Sandoval features the school's first class of students, with Sheridan revealing that the roster will include "other new and familiar faces."Red X is front and center, sitting atop a desk while holding a Red X blade in each hand. One of these blades has an apple through it, possibly meant to be passed to a teacher. Speaking of teachers, the faculty of Teen Titans Academy is displayed on portraits in the background. We see Arsenal, Beast Boy, Starfire, Nightwing, Cyborg, Raven and Donna Troy.
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