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fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28451
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Flash (Rebirth) Empty Flash (Rebirth)

Sun 27 Mar 2016 - 13:04
Flash (Rebirth) 18a4f046ddc48af9c5823f6fdc31a00440600783
"The Flash"will be written by Joshua Williamson, with art by Carmine Di Giandomencio and Neil Googe. It ships twice monthly beginning in June.
Membre du Green Lantern Corps
Messages : 9665
Date d'inscription : 2010-07-27

Flash (Rebirth) Empty Re: Flash (Rebirth)

Mon 28 Mar 2016 - 13:48
Comme l'impression que la qualité du titre ne cesse de chuter, j'ai peur avec cette nouvelle équipe.Surtout Di Giandomencio...
fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28451
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Flash (Rebirth) Empty Re: Flash (Rebirth)

Fri 1 Apr 2016 - 8:10
Di Giandomencio a bossé sur La mini Jack Murdock ou recmment sur All-New X-Factor.
Perso j aime bien mais je suis un des rares
fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28451
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Flash (Rebirth) Empty Re: Flash (Rebirth)

Thu 12 Jan 2017 - 22:30

Appropriately titled “The Button,” the story will take place in “Batman” and “The Flash” #21 and #22, with the “Batman” issues by writer Tom King and artist Jason Fabok, and “The Flash” installments from writer Joshua Williamson and artist Howard Porter.

Here’s DC’s official description of the storyline: “Two greatest detectives in the DC Universe unite to unravel the mystery behind a certain blood stained smiley face button stuck in the Batcave wall. However, what begins as a simple investigation soon turns deadly when the secrets of the button prove irresistible to an unwelcome third party — and it’s not who anyone suspects! This is a mystery woven throughout time, and the countdown starts here!”

Each issue of “The Button” will feature both a lenticular cover along with a regular cover, each drawn by Fabok. The lenticular cover editions will retail for $3.99, with the regular covers at the standard Rebirth price of $2.99.
fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28451
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Flash (Rebirth) Empty Re: Flash (Rebirth)

Thu 17 Dec 2020 - 18:29
Flash (Rebirth) 8b7a7e7f65a6c836e3944626e0abcf5dab7ffae3

The DC news is coming fast and furious. Writer Jeremy Adams (DC Future State's Black Adam and Black Racer) and veteran artist Brandon Peterson will be the new The Flash creative team when the series returns March 16 with The Flash #768 during what may be called the "Infinite Frontier"era.

The Flash #768

The Flash #768 (Image credit: DC)
"The redemption of Wally West begins!"reads DC's description of the returning ongoing series. The publisher is also suggesting the first arc will determine who will carry on the Flash mantle - Wally or Barry Allen.

"Beginning with The Flash #768, after the events spanning from DC Universe: Rebirth to Heroes in Crisis to Dark Nights: Death Metal, the former Kid Flash decides to call it quits,"DC continues. "Family is more important to Wally West than a connection to the Speed Force. If you love the Flash and want to hit the ground running for the redemption arc of DC’s favorite speedster, The Flash #768 is the perfect jumping-on point!"
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Flash (Rebirth) Empty Re: Flash (Rebirth)

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