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fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 28417
Date d'inscription : 2005-10-17
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Legion of X Empty Legion of X

Fri 7 Jan 2022 - 16:04
Legion of X 2a2a341ea4ce4462db61e48c159668399ca36981
Written by Si Spurrier with art from Jan Bazaldua and covers from Dike Ruan and Bob Quinn, Legion of X focuses on Nightcrawler and Legion as they form a new team based around the religious ideas Nightcrawler put forth in Legion of X's preceding title, Way of X, based around the concept of preserving the rights of mutants to "pursue happiness and hope."

A teaser image, released with the announcement, sums up this mission succinctly, saying "We keep the peace. We keep the law. We keep the spark."Meanwhile, the smaller, semi-hidden text reads "A new way."

Originally announced as the 'Legionnaires,' the Legion of X team also includes magical mutant teleporter Pixie, precognitive mutant Blindfold, the unstoppable Juggernaut, and long-lived mutant scientist Doctor Nemesis, along with others still to be named, all operating out of a base on the psychic plane known as 'The Altar.'

"For the first time, the Marvel Universe has this densely packed, beautiful (and beautifully volatile) population of superhumans, out in the open, all in one place,"Spurrier states in the Legion of X announcement.

"It needs peacekeepers, sure… but it's a mistake to think of them as simply cops,"he continues. "You don't get far in Krakoa if the limit of your imagination is beating people up or reaching for a gun. Mutant civilization needs those who think differently."

As for what may lie in store for the Legion of X team, Marvel's announcement promises both old foes and new villains, describing several planned stories for the title, including "a hunt for a missing Arakkii god, a skinjacker possessing innocent mutants, and a villain worth praying for."

Spurrier himself states that Legion of X is one of the key building blocks of the next phase of the Marvel Universe, hinting at a major story to come - perhaps the recently teased 'Judgment Day event.'

"It's no exaggeration to say that the events you’ll encounter in Legion of X are dominos being flipped whose chains of repercussions will feed the greatest earthquake in modern comicdom, which is rumbling devastatingly down the pipe towards you even now,"Spurrier warns cryptically.
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Membre de Nextwave
Messages : 2453
Date d'inscription : 2005-11-16

Legion of X Empty Re: Legion of X

Wed 21 Feb 2024 - 14:12
Lu les 5 premiers, j'aime bien ce qu'à fait Spurrier sur la franchise X suite à l'arrivée de Hickman. Dans sa première série, Diablo se pose pas mal de questions idéologiques, existentielles et bien sûr sur la croyance et cela faisait du bien de lire ça car j'avais l'impression que 100% des mutants avaient juste péter un cable avec leur résurrection et leurs pouvoirs omega et leur gala à la c$$ !

Ici il continue en utilisant plutôt bien les personnages, se glissant dans cette période avec une jolie habileté (les arakki ont un grand rôle, il ré introduit Legion, Juggernaut, Forgetmenot avec des arcs narratifs notables...). C'est juste un peu fouillis je trouve, beaucoup beaucoup de concepts un peu trop alambiqués et j'ai laché parfois un peu certaines passages j'avoue. Mais bon, c'est globalement du bon boulot, et c'est joli.
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