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fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 29268
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2005
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Empty Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017)

Ven 20 Jan 2017 - 16:56
Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Black-Panther-and-the-Crew-1

The title, which spins out of a two-part storyline in “Black Panther” #7 and #8 that featured Black Panther and a group of heroes, will be written by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Yona Harvey and feature art by Butch Guice. The new “Crew” series will star Black Panther, Storm, Luke Cage, Misty Knight and Manifold and be set in Harlem.

The initial story will focus on what happens after an activist dies while in police custody. Coates spoke about the story’s relevance to today’s headlines, saying that “this is in the air. It’s not like I looked at a Black Lives Matter protest and was like, ‘Hey, I want to write a comic about that.’ But you’re confronted with it every day. So when I sat down to think about what is this story with four black protagonists about, and you start scribbling, that rises up. The events of the day are with me. It seemed like an opportunity to do something. It becomes clear in the first issue that the activist is not just an activist. There’s something more going on there.”

“Black Panther and the Crew” character sketches by Butch Guice

The opening arc includes elements of crime stories with, as Coates says, “a Cold War aspect.” “You see the events of today. There are also flashbacks to events of the Cold War. It all connects. The basic idea is each of these people for various reasons has a conflicted relationship with the neighborhood, Harlem.”

“Black Panther and the Crew” will also star heroes that walk in both Marvel’s street-level and global-level worlds. As Coates explained, “What does it mean to protect the street and protect the world? How are those things connected? What happens when T’Challa is walking down the street without his [Black Panther] uniform and people don’t recognize him, he’s just a black person? Same with Storm.”
Black Panther and the Crew 1

“Black Panther and the Crew” #1 cover by John Cassaday

Coates says he was inspired by the initial volume called “The Crew,” which was written by Christopher Priest with art by Joe Bennett and published in 2003

“Christopher Priest wrote what turned out to be a mini-series that I just adored called ‘The Crew,'” said Coates. “Black Panther wasn’t in the original Crew, but he was weirdly sort of related because an ancillary character of his series was in the Crew. It was a unique book because the majority of the characters were black. So when I came back to write Black Panther, I read a bunch of Christopher Priest’s stuff, and I wanted to bring it back. I was going to try to do it with the same members that he had. But it became clear that certain characters would not be available for various reasons. So I decided to think about it in a different way and think about something new.”

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Blackpantherthecrew-characters-1-720
fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 29268
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2005
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Empty Re: Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017)

Ven 20 Jan 2017 - 16:59
Voilà ce que je disais de la série The Crew de Priest en 2004 sur buzzcomics

Je viens de finir la serie (7 numeros chez marvel par priest et bennet) apres avoir recupere le 2.

bonne surprise..
action urbaine teinte de polar
cela fonctionne meme si rhodey semble etranger a lui meme.

Rhodey enquete sur la mort de sa soeur, prostitue, dans le quartier de little mogadishu(quartier "sensible de new york"a la hell's kitchen)
il decouvre un quartier controlle par les gangs et la corruption(money train).
Il y rencontre le white tiger(flic de ce quartier), danny vincent(etait il deja apparu?) et josiah x activiste musulman.

chacun des 4 protagonistes a une personnalite differente et est a la recherche de redemption sinon d une voie ou d une identite propre loin d un modele preetabli(ironman, cap america, panther).

La bonne surprise vient de la creation d un cap america (pvoir due au serum mais par mutation) activiste musulman mais personnage positif ce qui dans une amerique post 11 sept n etait pas gagnee....
esperns que priest le garde au chaud pour un arc de cap and the falcon....

bennet s ameliore d episodes en episodes et meme si parfois il continue d etre un mauvais calque de j. buscema cela reste interessant(surtout les derniers numeros et le white tiger)

Si elle semble moins passionnate et moins abouti que panther, cette serie reste efficace, et j attend de lire les autres serie marvel sortie au meme moment, mais semble etre largement au dessus.

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) C4

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) 19613229411.6
Messages : 4248
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2010

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Empty Re: Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017)

Mer 18 Avr 2018 - 9:28
Lu en numérique et j'ai adoré ! La fin a été un peu expédiée mais c'est un détail mineur: j'ai dévoré les 6 épisodes ultra-rapidement tellement l'histoire est prenante ! Les dessins ont à l'unisson d'un scénario brillant ! Si ça sort en vf, achetez les yeux fermés !!
fred le mallrat
fred le mallrat
Messages : 29268
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2005
Age : 50
Localisation : Bruges

Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Empty Re: Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017)

Mer 18 Avr 2018 - 9:51
oui c est un peu long par moment mais il y a vraiment quelque chose dans cette série..

Panini pourrait faire un gros TP avec la premiere série du début 2000 qui est vraiment sympa.
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Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017) Empty Re: Black Panther and the Crew (Marvel Now 2017)

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